Antiques-in-America will provide our sponsor with:
Quality production with interesting lively scripts, prestigious venues and guests. You can create a marketing theme utilizing the image of Antiques-in-America and Sue Studebaker to reinforce the educational role you've adopted in underwriting this unique program for national television. Tie-ins can be used in advertising including print, point-of-purchase and direct mail. Opportunity for local underwriting through co-op dollars.


Local underwriting enables your local outlets to inject
messages at the beginning and end of the program.
Since they are locally placed, messages are affordable and easily updated. You’ll gain national exposure on one of the the most respected television networks.

For more information, contact us at


Your company will be recognized nationally as a supporter of public television, which has the highest approval rating of any television network. Public television's outstanding market reach which reaches over 90% of U.S. households versus cable television's 65% coverage.



6966 Royalgreen Drive • Cincinnati, OH 45244
p: 513 241 2228 • f: 513 241 1969